2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024
- 12-15-19: Dr. Valles’s collaborative paper titled “A Digital Twin Framework of a Material Handling Operator in Industry 4.0 Environments” was accepted to The Eighth International Conference on Information, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS-2020)
- 12-11-19: Geovanni’s paper titled “Machine Learning Techniques for Motion Analysis of Fatigue from Manual Material Handling Operations Using 3D Motion Capture Data” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE-CCWC)
- 12-10-19: Sazida’s paper titled “Identification of Wild Species in Texas from Camera-trap Images Using Deep Neural Network for Conservation Monitoring” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE-CCWC)
- 12-10-19: Shafinaz’s paper titled “Houston Toad and Other Chorusing Amphibian Species Call Detection Using Deep Learning Architectures” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE-CCWC)
- 12-9-19: David’s paper titled “A Non-Linear GPU Performance Modeling Approach and Consolidated Linear Hardware Model Performance Evaluation of the LEAP Cluster” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE-CCWC)
- 12-9-19: Farah’s paper titled “A Victims Detection Approach for Burning Building Sites Using Convolutional Neural Networks” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE-CCWC)
- 12-6-19: Rezwan and Dr. Valles will present with Dr. Resendiz at the TXST Innovation Lab at SXSW 2020 – “App for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Austin, TX. [Cancelled due to COVID-19]
- 12-4-19: Purvesh’s paper titled “Deep Convolutional Neural Network Design Approach for 3D Object Detection for Robotic Grasping” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE-CCWC)
- 11-14-19: Uma Kamatchi Kesava Pillai has joined the group for her thesis research work
- 11-1-19: Farah defended her thesis!
- 10-31-19: Bikram defended his thesis!
- 8-30-19: Inzamam’s paper titled “Facial Expression Recognition Using DCNN and Development of an iOS App for Children with ASD to Enhance Communication Abilities” was accepted to the 2019 IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics, and Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE-UEMCON)
- 8-23-2019: Dr. Valles completes the Petascale Computing Institute Blue Waters Workshop 2019.
- 8-22-2019: Rezwan Matin & Purvesh Sharma received the Academic Performance Excellence Award from the Ingram School of Engineering Director’s List AY 19
- 8-22-2019: Abdullah & Inzamam received the Academic Performance Excellence over Two Academic Years Award from the Ingram School of Engineering.
- 8-16-2019: Geovanni Hernandez receives the Texas State Graduate College Scholarship for the 2019-2020 Academic Year.
- 7-16-19: Dr. Valles’s co-authored journal article “Dynamic Voltage Optimization Based on In-Band Sensors and Machine Learning” has been accepted to the MDPI Applied Sciences Special Issues: State-of-the-Art of Smart Metering in Electricity Grids.
- 7-16-19: Armando has been accepted to the Student Volunteer Program for SC19 as a Regular Student Volunteer in Denver, CO
- 7-13-19: Abdullah’s paper titled “MFCC-based Houston Toad call Detection using LSTM” was accepted to the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (IEEE-ISMCR)
- 7-13-19: Purvesh has been accepted to the Student Volunteer Program (SCinet) for SC19 as a SCinet Student Volunteer in Denver, CO.
- 6-27-19: Inzamam defended his thesis!
- 6-5-19: The group and Inzamam’s work was featured in The University Star.
- 6-4-19: Abdullah defended his thesis!
- 5-30-19: Inzamam’s work is now a feature article on Autism20.com, Electronic Component News & News Wise
- 5-13-19: Marcus Schulze has joined the group for his thesis research work
- 5-6-19: David’s paper titled “A Linear Approach to Network Performance Modeling and a Consolidation of Linear Performance Models of the Leap Cluster” was accepted to The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing – The 17th International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSCE-CSC’19)
- 5-6-19: Inzamam’s work is now a feature article on Medical View: https://medicalview.org/autism-ai-helps-children-to-identify-facial-expressions/
- 5-1-19: Dr. Valles’s co-authored journal article “Using Machine Learning to Optimize Linux Networking” has been published in the Linux Journal, The Kernel Issues, May 2019 – Issue 298, pp. 128-138.
- 4-30-19: Inzamam’s work is now on Texas State’s News page: https://tinyurl.com/y6pj27sq
- 4-30-19: Bikram’s paper titled “Estimating TCP RTT with LSTM Neural Networks” was accepted to The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing – The 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CSCE-ICAI’19)
- 4-12-19: Geovanni Hernandez receives the Hispanic Policy Network Scholarship from Texas State University.
- 3-18-19: Sazida Binda Islam receives the Graduate College Scholarship – Science & Engineering Award from Texas State University
- 3-1-19: Dr. Valles’s collaborated work with Dr. M. Apple from Montana Tech contribution was accepted to the “Mountain Biodiversity and Ecosystems Under Global Change” workshop at the International Mountain Conference (IMC 2019) in Innsbruck, Austria.
- 2-11-19: Dr. Valles and Inzamam’s co-authored poster titled “A Facial Expression Recognition Application Using Machine Learning for Children with ASD to Help Identify Emotions” was accepted to the 2019 Health Scholar Showcase.
- 1-24-19: Sazida Binta Islam has joined the group for her thesis research work