Hardware Benchmark & Modeling

Spring 2018 – Fall 2019

David Johnson

The purpose of this work is to benchmark and model the performance of the hardware components of our Dell Servers with GPUs and the LEAP Cluster.  The modeling work will provide information on the capabilities and maximum loads that our servers can handle for other research projects.


Phase 1:
The purpose of this stage was to perform several benchmarks on Texas State University’s LEAP Cluster and analyze the data collected from those tests to determine performance models. The tests used to collect this data will be various benchmarking programs:
>> High-Performance Linpack (HPL) (CPU)
>> IOZone (Hard drive)
>> CacheBench (Memory)

Phase 2:
The networking model makes use of the Intel MPI Benchmarks, linear polynomial regression, and arithmetic manipulation to produce a second-order polynomial model of the Infiniband networking subsystem that connects the different compute nodes of the LEAP cluster. The final model is the integration of the polynomial models of the memory, filesystem, CPU, and networking systems, as well as the size of the program

Phase 3:
The evaluation of a consolidated linear performance model of the LEAP cluster and the development of a non-linear model to represent the performance of the NVIDIA V100 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The GPU’s performance analysis was done by first collecting performance data then using non-linear methods to model it. The final model is based on logarithmic functions that mapped the GPU performance to a semi-logarithmic scale of the number of floating-point operations.



  • David A.S. Johnson, D. Valles, “Modeling of High-Performance Computing Servers using Analysis of Benchmarks,” The 2018 SACNAS – The National Diversity in STEM Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2018
  • David A.S. Johnson, D. Valles, “Performance Modeling High-End Servers Using Benchmark Analysis,” TECHCON 2018, Austin, TX, 2018
  • David A.S. Johnson, D. Valles, “Modelling of High-Performance Computing Servers using Analysis of Benchmarks,” 2018 Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Annual Conference, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, 2018