Dr. Valles’ co-authored papers titled “Gas and Air Quality Detection, Monitoring, and Alerting Using Embedded System for Nanofabrication Facility” and “An Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Monitoring Embedded Design” was accepted to CSCE-ESCS’18. To be presented in Las Vegas on Aug. 2018.
Welcome Armando Pinales!
Armando Pinales will be working on summer research under the HiPE research group and funded through the SRC-URO Program.
Welcome Md Inzamam Haque!
Md Inzamam UI Haque will be working on his thesis research project under the HiPE research group.
David to Present at WiSE 2018
David Johnson to present his undergraduate research project proposal at the Poster Session in the 2018 Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Conference at Texas State University.
Best Paper Award
Welcome Farah Jaradat!
Farah Jaradat will be working on her thesis research project under the HiPE research group.
Welcome Abdullah Al Bashit!
Abdullah Al Bashit will be working on his thesis research project under the HiPE research group
Welcome Bikramjit Dasgupta!
Brikram Dasgupta has been hired as a Graduate Research Assistant for the HiPE research group starting in the Spring 2018 semester.
Welcome David Johnson!
David Johnson will be part of the HiPE research group for the Spring 2018 semester as part of the SRC-URO & Intel Program.
IEEE-CCWC 2018 Paper Accepted
Dr. Valles’s co-authored paper titled “A Communication Benchmark Tailored to Intel Broadwell Nodes and Tuned to the DEAC Cluster” was accepted to IEEE-CCWC’18. To be presented at UNLV in Jan. 2018.