Rezwan and Dr. Valles will present with Dr. Resendiz at the TXST Innovation Lab at SXSW 2020 – “App for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Austin, TX.
[Cancelled due to COVID-19]
Rezwan and Dr. Valles will present with Dr. Resendiz at the TXST Innovation Lab at SXSW 2020 – “App for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Austin, TX.
[Cancelled due to COVID-19]
Purvesh‘s paper titled “Deep Convolutional Neural Network Design Approach for 3D Object Detection for Robotic Grasping” was accepted to the 2020 IEEE-CCWC. To be presented at UNLV, Las Vegas on Jan. 2020.
Uma will be working on her thesis research project under the HiPE research group.
Inzamam‘s paper titled “Facial Expression Recognition Using DCNN and Development of an iOS App for Children with ASD to Enhance Communication Abilities” was accepted to the 2019 IEEE-UEMCON. To be presented at Columbia University, NYC on Oct. 2019.
Dr. Valles completed the Petascale Computing Insitute 2019 Workshop and earned his digital badge from Blue Waters NCSA at UIUC
Rezwan and Purvesh were recognized for their Academic Performance Excellence during the AY2019 by The Ingram School of Engineering Director’s List.
Abdullah and Inzamam were recognized for their Academic Performance Excellence over Two Years Award during the AY2018-2019 by The Ingram School Graduate Program
Geovanni Hernandez receives the Texas State Graduate College Scholarship for the 2019-2020 Academic Year
Dr. Valles’s co-authored journal article titled “Dynamic Voltage Optimization Based on In-Band Sensors and Machine Learning” has been accepted to the MDPI Applied Sciences Special Issues: State-of-the-Art of Smart Metering in Electricity Grids.
Armando has been accepted to the Student Volunteer Program for SC19 as a Regular Student Volunteer in Denver, CO.