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Category: Press
Fellowship Press
Dell-NVIDIA Brief HiPE’s Rover
Dell’s and NVIDIA’s workstation brief of HiPE’s work on the Smart Firefighting rover prototype featuring Erich and Saad.
RoundTable on YouTube
Dr. Valles on the Summit 360 Digital RoundTable:
Digital Roundtable Webcast
Dr. Valles will be on the Digital 360 Summit’s Digital Roundtable webcast next week!
🗓️ Date: August 16th
🕑 Time: 02:00 pm (CT)
Do you want to check the webcast?
Digital 360 Summit: 🔊 Linkedin LIVE
👉 Youtube channel: youtube.com/@digital360summit
👉 Website: digital360summit.net
Oscar in the News!
Oscar Resendiz was featured in ‘Cats Walk article from the University Star. Check the article and the video featuring the Rover.
Dr. Aslan’s & Dr. Valles’ — NSF STTR for real-time mineral data collection and identification module, which will incorporate machine learning and a unique sensor package to analyze the walls of mineral exploration and geotechnical boreholes. Newsroom: Texas State University:
Dr. Valles in the Newsroom
NSF grant establishes REU site for undergrad research into smart, connected communities, health. Newsroom: Texas State University:
HiPE in TXST Big Ideas
Catch Geovanni & Dr. Valles on the Harnessing Big Data interview for the Texas State Univesity Big Ideas Virtual Event!
AMD / Penguin / TXST HPC Press
Dr. Valles is part of the #TXST Covid-19 AMD HPC award with faculty collaborators from @txstCS (Computer Science), @TexasStateHLC (Health College), @TxStEngineering (Ingram School of Engineering), and @TxSt_Psych (Psychology). See press release: https://www.amd.com/en/corporate/hpc-fund