Dylan Hall’s, Gavin Jackson’s, and Alyssa Lopez’s research posters were accepted to the TXST STEM Conference 2024
Category: Poster
DCD15-IMDRC6 Poster Accepted!
Dr. Valles’s collaboration research poster, “Enhancing Early Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder with Machine Learning Algorithms Using Postural Control Features,” has been accepted to the DCD15-IMDRC6.
The HiPE research group Smart Firefighting team is heading to SXSW through the TXST Corporate & Foundation Partnerships Innovation Lab event. We will showcase our Smart Firefighting project in partnership with Translational Health Research Center!
Link: SXSW 2024 Innovation Lab
SACNAS Poster Accepted!
Dr. Valles‘s collaboration work and poster, Is there gender bias in emotion identification?, was accepted at the 2023 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference in Portland, OR.
DAS’23 Research Poster
Joni McCawley and Gabriella Taverna will present their research poster on Emotion Recognition using Audio Input for Voice and Environmental Sounds at the TXST Data Analytics Showcase.
DAS’23 Research Poster
Saad Rafiq and Erich Ellsworth will present their research poster on Smart City Firefighting Autonomous Data Collection at the TXST Data Analytics Showcase.
DAS’23 Research Poster
Gavin Jackson and Dylan Hall will present their research poster on Face Emotion Recognition DL Development and App Adaptability at the TXST Data Analytics Showcase.
SyDATA 2022 Poster
Saad Rafiq & Erich Ellsworth presented their NSF-REU project at SyDATA 2022 — a one-day symposium from the College of Science and Engineering at Texas State University.